I had already begun reading “Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team” by Simon Sinek when I met one of the most curious people ever. She was new to my team and I was charged with training her since we were the only ones on the east coast. I had interviewed her and instantly liked her and connected on LinkedIn. Once the training began, I was sure we would be friends. The more I talked with her the more I learned because she asked really thoughtful and inquisitive questions…questions that struck straight to the core of the topic. I gave her my best and helped her ramp up as quickly as possible. I wanted her to be successful and in a role without clear boundaries and documented processes/procedures it was going to be challenging. Towards the end of the training, I asked if she would be willing to help me find my why. I explained what it was and that she would only need to read chapter three of the book but it would require 2-3 hours of her time. She agreed and I ordered the book be sent directly to her home.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!During our meeting, she listened as I shared my stories…some of which made me cry but I pressed on. She took copious notes and asked pointed questions. At the end, when she began to share her observations…I was completely caught off guard. As a type A personality and someone who views themselves as acutely self-aware…I could not believe that I was speechless. She picked up on something I never noticed…that I had felt alone as a child and worked overtime as an adult to ensure that others in my world did not experience the same feeling of aloneness. It’s the reason I worked so hard to help her be successful. Wow! What a revelation!
My Why – I value people for who they are while inspiring and supporting them as they grow.